Starting now, when you buy one Scentsy Fragrance Foam you’ll receive a second bottle FREE! That’s DOUBLE the germ-fighting suds, just in time for winter. Pick and combination of Fragrance Foam fragrances and stash them in your car, purse, gym bag, the kids’ backpacks – wherever you and your family might need a boost of sanitizing scent. Order today, because Fragrance Foam is going away after February 28th 2012!
The list of Fragrances available through the Foam Frenzy may evolve throughout the promotion to ensure we have inventory to last the Fall/Winter 2012 catalogue season. *So get your hand on them – and them on your hands – while you can!
To order the package be sure to build a multipack through the FOAM FRENZY link inside my website by clicking on the picture above!